Follow This Guide for a Complete Sellers Guide to Home Inspections!
Home inspections are an important part of your home selling process, but can also be very stressful as a seller! I am here to answer all your questions with this Complete Sellers Guide to Home Inspections!!
How should I prepare for my home inspection?
Getting ready for a home inspection prevents future problems, and can stop surprises. Make Sure your home is clean, pets are secure and your house is in good shape before the inspector comes to your home.
Can my home “fail the inspection”?
No! Inspections are designed to highlight things that may be a future problem with your home. Depending on what the inspector finds, the inspector’s recommendations may range from simply monitoring some conditions to addressing others as normal maintenance items to immediate attention for others. From there, you and I can work together and assess what repairs you should complete before selling your home.
What should I do after my inspection?
Sit back and relax! Now that your home inspection is over, you have one more thing you can cross off your to-do list. It’s common for the home inspector to note a few minor issues, but most of the time, if there’s something serious to detect you’ve already figured it out on your own.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me Caron Koteles Riha 248-379-6651 to discuss more post-inspection! or if you would like to go over this Complete Sellers Guide to Home Inspections!
Other: View more of my blog posts here
Home Depot Inspection Checklist!
Don’t Make A Move Without ME!!
Caron Koteles Riha | Real Estate One Rochester!
248-379-6651 | Caron@caronkoteles.com | Www.Rochesterlsitings.com | 1002 N. Main Street Rochester MI 48307
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