Since the pandemic began in 2020, our homes transitioned from the place we returned to at the end of the workday to truly our sanctuaries. We were subjected to remaining indoors, searching for fun in our cabinets, games in our basements, and creating a divot in our couches from binging television shows for a few hours too many. Because of this, we had to create a space where we felt comfortable, or somewhere that could ease our worries. We shopped more than usual, had more time than ever, and were finally able to figure out our personal style. Due to social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, we were shown trends that were sweeping the nation, such as minimalists clearing out their attics, maximalist décor, or even new vintage-inspired styles.
In 2021, I posted a blog post linking an article on The Most Pinned Interior Design Trends , which included Modern, English, Farmhouse, and more.
This year, I called upon an article by Better Homes & Gardens written in June of 2022, which outlined the trends they were still expecting to see this year. As it is nearing the end of the year, I wanted to share this article with everyone to reflect on the designs we may have seen. These styles include shades upon shades of green, which BH&G quotes Ginger Curtis as saying green reminds us of the outdoors, something we deeply missed during the beginning of the pandemic. We are also seeing more neutrals, mixing repurposed items with new décor, utilizing plants as everyday furnishing, and people transitioning their home offices back into guest bedrooms.
Click here for the Better Homes & Gardens article that explains in detail how and why these trends are seeing a resurgence this year! What have you changed about your house over the past two years? Have any of these trends impacted your home’s style?
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