The question should be… Why wouldn’t you use a Realtor? It is no cost to you and buyers need someone to watch out for their best interest. That’s why you need a buyer’s agent to watch out for your best interest.
Protect Your Best Interest: Unfortunately, there are many times where buyers start looking at new construction and don’t get a realtor of their own. Instead, they rely on the listing agent to help them through the process. The unfortunate thing that many buyers don’t realize is that realtor is only responsible to the seller. So, you’re not hiring someone to watch out for your best interest.When you’re buying new construction, you need someone to watch out for your best interest. It’s not any different than any other real estate transaction and it can sometimes be more complicated to navigate.
Negotiate The Contract: When you have a realtor of your own, we help you negotiate a contract. You may think that with a new construction home there is no room for negotiation, but oftentimes, there is, you just need to know where a builder may be willing to negotiate.
A buyer’s agent of your very own is the only person who can help do this for you. Some builders may not be willing to budge on the sales price, but they may be willing to help you out with closing costs or give you credits for upgrades.
When you buy a home, you need someone to watch out for your best interest during negotiations. A buyer’s agent is just the person for that.
No Cost To You: Buyer representation is provided at no cost to you because the commission for buyer representation has already been built into the purchase price. If you are not represented by your own Realtor, the price of the home will not be reduced. Since the builder has a professional real estate representative watching out for their interests, shouldn’t you also have expert representation watching out for you? If you walk in without having hired a Realtor, you are representing yourself. Using an agent for purchasing new construction will keep your best interest in mind against a seller who is trying to maximize his net profit on the home sale.
Remember: The friendly onsite salesperson is hired to represent the builder’s best interests. If a buyer chooses not to be represented by their own agent, that savings goes right back to the seller/builder without providing any discounts to the buyer.
Bottom Line: You Always Need A Buyer’s Agent A buyer’s agent is a critical resource when you buy a home. Whether it is your first house or your fifth, a realtor is there to help you purchase a large investment. New construction purchases are the same as any other real estate transactions, so the need of a realtor is all the same.
Real Estate is a huge investment, why not use a professional that has years of experience and knowledge to put to work for you. It is like trying to be your own attorney.
Call me Today to discuss your options on building your future home!
Caron Koteles Riha is a licensed Real Estate Broker with Real Estate One.
Email, Text or Call Caron at (248)379-6651 or Caron@CaronKoteles.com
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