Tuesday Chat: Ep. 20 WHOO Upscale Resale

Welcome back to my Fireside Chat!

This week’s episode is with Lonna Harlow from WHOO Upscale Resale here in Downtown Rochester!

This chat with Lonna was so informative! She shared how WHOO Upscale Resale came to be, how it works, and how you can get involved! Their business strives to help the community through the reduce, reuse, and recycle practices through their merchandise! Lonna also discussed the ample charities she collaborates with, such as Gleaners Food Bank, Capuchin Kitchen, Grace Center of Hope, Humble Design, and so many more!

Thank you for joining me Lonna! I really enjoyed learning about your amazing nonprofit!

WHOO Location: 435 S Main St, Rochester, MI 48307
Website: https://whoour.org/
Facebook: WHOO Upscale Resale

Caron Koteles Riha
(248) 379-6651
#DontMakeAMoveWithoutMe #LocalBusiness #Resale #Donate #RealEstate #Rochester

Click here to watch the full interview!

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