Tuesday Chat Ep. 29 Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm

Welcome back to Carons Corner!

This week, we were joined by the amazing Pat McKay, the manager of Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm!

We talked about the history of the museum, how long Pat has been involved, and the fun events they have going on, including a Film Festival, and Reptile Roundup!

Check out their site: Rochesterhills.org/departments/parks_and_natural_resources/museum/index.php

Thanks again Pat for stopping by and sharing your passion with us! Click here for the full interview!

#RochesterHills #rochester #dontmakeamovewithoutme #michiganrealestate #realestate #firesidechat #lovelocal #localbusiness

Caron Koteles Riha
(248) 379-6651

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